With me, my child, your identity and value NEVER change. I love you just as much as I always did and always will.
You are filled with ALL of Me. You are an awesome, beautiful creation. I am blushing right now with your love for me.
I see you as the greatest treasure I can find. You are priceless, so unique, and I relish that. I love you, my child.
Peggy Ann Otway
Some hearts are shattered in 10 pieces, 50 pieces, 100 pieces, 500 pieces. It is like a puzzle that I reveal and heal. As the pieces come into place, the picture begins to fill in. Do not lose heart when a piece is missing. I am the missing piece. I create. I am the Artist. I purify and cleanse the image, so I have a fresh canvas to paint the new vision for your life.
Christa Jones Jackson
My heart is heavy with condemnation.
I doubt my presence is welcomed here.
But Your voice calls to me with revelation
that my depreciating thoughts are rooted in fear.
And You remind me there is no fear in love
that Your heart is full of compassion and grace.
So I dare to believe that You are good,
that You forgive and I'm welcomed in this place.
Your love beckons me closer to You
and I choose to respond by drawing near.
I allow Your words to wash over me
and discover the truth I needed to hear.
My heart is lighter now, knowing this truth
that I am loved unconditionally.
I gave You my burdens, You gave me Your peace
and I'm forever changed. I am set free.
Wendee VanOrder
Based on 1 John 3:20, 1 John 4:18
Thank you Lord that You are with me in the middle,
That you are with me in the hallway of my life,
Between what was and what will be.
Thank you Lord that you are with me in the transitions,
From one season to the next.
Thank You Lord that you are with me in the moments of uncertainty,
in the moments I’m weighing decisions with pending circumstances.
Thank you Lord for being with me while I sit in unsettled emotions,
in relationships that are unresolved.
Thank you for being with me in times of letting go and learning to embrace the not yet.
Thank you Lord for being with me in the unknown and
providing peace when my soul desperately cries out for security and
reassurance, to be grounded in unconditional love when what ahead of me is unclear.
Thank you Lord that you are not only with me in these moments but
You have gone before me, and are working everything out for my good.
Thank you Lord for being with me not only in the beginning, but in the
middle, and in the end.
Wendee VanOrder
“Climb onto My back. Grab a hold of my mane. I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I will lead you into new places with Me. Hold on tight because this is an adventure like no other.
Learn My stride, learn the rhythms of My grace. Like a jockey on a horse, know Me, know how I move, know every jot and tittle of My being. Lean in and hear my heart beating.
Lean in as we catch the wind together. Know the meaning of the non-verbals, the signals and nudges I give you for we were made to move together in unison. We were made for the things of the Spirit.
Respond to my head turns, my deep breaths, my momentum, and my accelerations. Respond to the pace I keep.
Know that I am leading you into victory. We shall surpass the expectations of others together. We shall receive the victor’s crown. We will be celebrated. Our race will be unlike any other. Hold onto My mane. It will be glorious. You will experience exhilaration, joy so profound. Lean into Me, my daughter. I enjoy your company, your companionship, your cooperating with Me on this journey. I delight in you. Trust Me to lead you on. You are victorious. You are delighted in. You are lifted up. You will see the glory of God. You will reign with Me. Freedom is coming. Joy is coming. Love is coming. Behold I am with you. Grab a hold of My mane and never let go.”
Wendee D VanOrder
I’m coming on a bulldozer
To clear away debris.
You’re hearts have all been weighted down
And I’m here to set you free.
I’m coming on a steamroller
To press you with My love.
All fear and pride must leave,
There will be nothing that once was.
I’m coming with my excavator
To unearth forgotten things –
The treasures I deposited
In your soul- it’s meant to sing.
I’m coming with my backhoe
To build trenches for My word.
Let My waters saturate you
And tell those who have not heard.
I’m coming with my grader
To construct a road within.
I will lead your spirit to Mine
Where other idols have been.
I’m coming with my pile driver
To break up the rocky ground.
The hard-heartedness and bitterness
Shall no longer be found.
I’m coming with my loaders
To excavate this land.
Your heart will be my fertile ground
And may this you understand
That I need your hearts to be prepared
For the harvest that’s yet to come
And though the construction’s heavy
I will not cease until it’s done.
I will have your heart completely
I will have a harvest untold.
I will build My kingdom on earth
And My glory will unfold.
I’m coming to you now
On a crane to lift you high
For you were made to sit with Me
To always be at my side.
Let Me do the heavy lifting.
Let Me have my way in you,
For there is no greater joy
Than to restore and make things new.
I’m coming on a bulldozer
To clear away debris.
Your hearts are all I’ve ever wanted
And I’m here to set you free.
Wendee VanOrder
You are the God who disarms my enemy.
You are the God who removes all that would harm me.
You are the God who casts out my fear.
You are the God who draws me so near.
You are the God who give me my breath.
You are the God who delivers me from death.
You are the God who sees my true self.
You are the God who restores me to health.
You are the God who is mighty to save.
You are the God whose love I crave.
You are the God who authors my peace.
You are the God to whom fears I release.
You are the God who establishes my life.
You are the God who ceases my strife.
You are the God who provides for my need.
You are the God who blesses my seed.
You are the God who heals all my wounds.
You are the God who rebuilds my ruins.
You are the God who abandons me never.
You are the God who loves me forever.
Wendee VanOrder
Been meditating on Song of Solomon since January 1. Wrote a little poem just now.
Your word is kisses to my soul.
Your breath new life in me.
Your word is revelation
That uproots complacency.
Your presence is a sweet aroma,
Like perfume that's poured out.
Your Love intoxicating.
Better than life, no doubt.
Your chambers are my safe place.
Your touch is all I need.
Your banner over me is Love
And at your banquet I shall feed.
You're wooing is unavoidable.
Your affirmations so Divine.
Your tender mercy so compassionate.
My Beloved is truly mine.
I will come away with You.
I will go to the mountain top.
I will partner with Your heart.
My pursuit of You won't stop.
I am the one who brings Him bliss.
I am the apple of His eye.
I am the object of His affection.
His love it makes me cry.
For He has given me double honor.
He has restored my soul.
He has brought my life to fullness,
And redeemed all that was stole.
How marvelous are your deeds, oh God.
Surely You are the Fairest One.
I will arise, we shall run together
And forever be united as one.
Wendee VanOrder
This secret place,
This sacred space
is so open.
I meet You here.
I find You near
arms wide open.
You hold me close.
Nose to nose,
I can hear You.
You speak to me
of mysteries deep
and Love so true.
My Abba.
Father Forever,
My Protector.
My Abba.
Friend so near,
Forever dear.
You're my Abba.
And I love You.
This secret place,
This sacred space
is so open.
I meet You here.
I find You near
arms wide open.
You hold me close.
Nose to nose,
I can hear You.
You speak to me
of mysteries deep
and Love so true.
My Abba.
Father Forever,
My Protector.
My Abba.
Friend so near,
Forever dear.
You're my Abba.
And I love You.
Ebony Greene
I only imagine what I could have been if you would have held my hand…
Defended my name…
Honored my sacrifices…
Stopped playing all the games…
I fell in love with you over and over again
I often think of what I would have been if you would have affirmed me often…
Held me close
Surprised me with anything
Thought of me the most.
I fall in love with you even still…
When I think of all the times we had.
When I understood you
But you made the rest of the world mad
I often think and wonder if you remember when I loved you even when…
You betrayed me for people who are long gone now… your fleeting friends
I often wonder if you know how deep this pain really goes
How if hate could make it go away
I would have hated you long ago.
I didn’t know it then, I didn’t even know all the why’s…
But I know I saw you through God’s eyes.
I sit here now and imagine what it will be like
To tell my grandchildren about the man I loved first
How even with all that love, we brought out each other’s worst…
God’s love is patient, His love is kind
His love is timeless, yours was so finite…
One thing about you is certainly true
You learn from your mistakes.
Who knew walking out of my life would be the biggest one you would make.
Today, I let all the anger go. Bitterness can’t have my heart any longer
Fear and pain became my best friends.
Protect yourself and those you love with all you have… a useless theory
There is a thief that can sneak in when you get weary.
He comes to kill, steal and destroy… yet he makes it look so attractive.
You never even realize he is seducing you with his tactics.
When all your sentences begin to start with “I” and end with “me”, he has almost got you beat
But then in comes the Great Warrior who never left your team.
He sat there on the side lines, waiting for you to put Him in the game…
Knowing all along, He was the only one who could save the day.
So you finally do it, and Victory is easy.
From the side lines now, you watch in amazement
As you wipe the sweat from your own brow, cleaning your wounds to prevent infection…
His EYES catch yours and in them you see
Into your own soul… you don’t like what you perceive
So much work to do, so much change I need to make…
He calls a timeout just to tell you…
It’s ok.
It is well.
See, what you thought was the final call of the game was really just a new beginning…
Have patience, My child… My grace is never-ending.
The final play of this game may have come
But your new season is just beginning.
Every tear you sowed in pain, you will reap in joy!
Your faith has saved you, My son… My daughter.
Worry not who cannot see you for who you are…
I AM your final judge. It is ME you live for.
He said these words to me… He said:
I fell in love with you over and over again
I only imagine what you could have been if you would have held My hand…
Defended My Name…
Honored My Sacrifices…
Stopped playing all the games…
I fell in love with you over and over again
I often think of what you would have been if you would have affirmed Me often…
Held Me close
Surprised Me with anything
Thought of Me the most.
I fall in love with you even still…
When I think of all the times we had.
When I understood you
But you made the rest of the world mad
I often think and wonder if you remember when I loved you even when…
You betrayed Me for people who are long gone now… your fleeting friends
I often wonder if you know how deep THIS PAIN really goes.
Placida Braswell
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